Gathering of students and lecturers of the Graduate Study of Forest Management Science (IPH) of the Faculty of Forestry of IPB

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Gathering of students and lecturers of the Graduate Study of Forest Management Science (IPH) of the Faculty of Forestry of IPB took place on 7-8 September 2012 in the Gunung Walat University Forest.

This event is an introduction to new IPH Master Program students 2012/2013 with the higher class, staff, and lecturers. The Postgraduate Program of IPH is part of the Department of Forest Management. The new students of the IPH consist of 24 master program (S2) students and 8 doctoral programs (S3) students. The gathering was also attended by IPH lecturers including Prof. Dr. Hariadi Kartodihardjo, Dr.Didik Suharjito, Dr. Hendrayanto, Dr. Ahmad Budiaman, and Dr. Tatang Tiryana. The total number of participants in the gathering included the senior student of IPH is 52 people.

“The gathering began with a speech and presentation about Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF) by the Director of GWUF Business Development, Dr. Nandi Kosmaryandi. The theme that was brought up in this gathering was “With togetherness, we increase the professional and communicative IPH academic community”.

The gathering and introduction of new IPH students are routinely held every year.

“The purpose of this event is to build familiarity within the students so that the teaching and learning process at IPH can run smoothly and they will continue to communicate, know each other, and interact better. They also became acquainted with the scientific parts of the Forest Management Department with their respective scientific fields. Lecturers can share their experiences with the students about the study processes and are expected to be better prepared to anticipate how to complete the study, how to overcome obstacles, so that students are more fluent in completing their studies” said Dr. Didik Suharjito as Chairman of the Forest Management Department of the Faculty of Forestry of IPB,

“Gathering was held in GWUF because GWUF was part of the Faculty of Forestry of IPB and this is one of the educational facilities and GWUF as an example of small-scale forest management so students can take knowledge of this small-scale forest management”, explained Dr. Didik Suharjito.

In this gathering, discussions were held between students and lecturers followed by the distribution of about 500 plant seedlings and books to the community around GWUF (which was symbolically handed over to GWUF Manager Dizy Rizal to be shared with the surrounding community) as a form of community service from students.

“This is a good activity and we hope that it will continue not only once a year, but after this, there are activities organized by the students independently such as seminars, discussions, the point is to improve the academic atmosphere so that students can learn to explore science knowledge,” added Dr. Didik Suharjito.


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