Practices of Environmental Education, SMA Ipeka Puri Jakarta

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Practices of Environmental Education, SMA Ipeka Puri Jakarta was held on 11-13 November 2015 in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

This practice was attended by 150 11th grade students and teacher representatives.

“We conduct a study tour from the busy Jakarta with all of its traffic jam, pollution, stress, and hard work to a place where we can do a tour while learning” said one of the Committee for Environmental Education Practices at SMA Ipeka Puri Jakarta, Agustinus, when met at the location of the activity.

According to him, the reason for this practice to be at Gunung Walat is because they can bring students out of Jakarta and who can, at once, enjoy the tour in the surrounding natural scenery and learn something, especially from IPB.

“We learned some parts about biodiversity in this forest and how to be able to use every natural resource but still not damaging the existing environment. There is also a rehabilitation of the environment that we plant some 5-year-old pine trees to be useful for the future” said Agustinus who is also a Music Arts Teacher at SMA Ipeka Puri Jakarta.

Augustine advised about food, lodging, and water that need improvements. But with all the limitations, it still felt quite satisfying for the whole events in Gunung Walat.

“Maybe the committee can improve the service because we bring almost hundreds of students so that better preparation is needed. Thank you for all the educational assistance that has been given to our children” he concluded.


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