Fieldwork and Practices of Habitat Exploration Course of Postgraduate Students of Animal Biosciences Department, Department of Biology IPB

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Fieldwork and Practices of Habitat Exploration Course of Postgraduate Students of Animal Biosciences Department, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of IPB was held on 26-27 October 2013 in Gunung Walat University Forest.

This activity was attended by dozens of master and doctoral students.

“The implementation is divided into 9 groups with each observation theme. It is directed into animal diversity, biodiversity, and the aspects of habitat carrying capacity in here” said the representative of post-graduate students, Mrs. Darmawati M Tahir, M.Si, when met at the location.

According to her, during her practice at Gunung Walat, the students observed and installed animal traps in each group. The animals studied were birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

“Seeing the aspect of habitat carrying capacity here, as far as we see, the availability of natural resources in the GWUF area is very supportive especially in terms of biodiversity, for both plants and animals” she said.

The same thing was revealed from the discovery of Dr. Tri Atmowidi who participated in observing animals at Gunung Walat. He, who was also a lecturer of IPB’s Postgraduate Biology Program, explained that the fauna habitat in Gunung Walat was still balanced accordingly with the ecosystem.

“We found two or three species of fish. For amphibians, there are some frogs. On the land, there are insects, butterflies, and long-tailed monkeys. Meanwhile, for plants, they are not too heterogeneous. There are only pine and resin. But for the understorey, they are quite diverse” he concluded.


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