Forest Management Practices (P2H) for Students of Faculty of Forestry, IPB

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Forest Management Practices (P2H) for Students of Faculty of Forestry, IPB was held on 11-27 August, 2014 in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

Forest Management Practices became an annual routine agenda held by the Faculty of Forestry of IPB which was attended by hundreds of students from various majors. Activities that should last for 21 days changed to 17 days due to the first day of the odd semester which was coincided with the end of the holiday after Eid.

“However, the material that was delivered remained to be 7 main materials that were carried out in several places even though our basecamp remained at Gunung Walat. The material which was conducted at the outside of Mount Walat is about the conservation and community forestry in Gunung Bunder; there are materials, such as the forest product industry around Cibadak and Sukabumi and; logging practices in Sukanegara, Cianjur” said the Chairman of the P2H Committee, Dr. Gunawan Santosa.

According to his experience when practising in Cianjur, there was one special place for timber collection. But there was no time to observe it. Even so, the whole of events was felt to be sufficient and went well because of the support from various parties.

He advised the students who had participated in this practice to be able to provide additional knowledge for them in continuing the education process at the Faculty of Forestry, IPB. can understand and explore, add insight into forest management.

“It is expected that this practice can provide a deeper understanding of the meaning of forest management” he concluded.


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