Fieldtrip of Students of Kyungpook National University, Korea

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Fieldtrip of Students of Kyungpook National University, Korea had been held from July 20-22, 2018 in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

Gunung Walat education forest remained one of the destinations for foreign students to study natural vegetation and forest products. This was seen from a group of students from Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea. Activities that had taken place from July 20-22 2018 were part of the cooperation between IPB and KNU in the form of student exchange programs that run every year.

During their time at Gunung Walat, the students were provided with material about management of Gunung Walat University Forest by Prof. Dr. Ir. Fauzi Febrianto, MS. In addition to the theoretical material, they were also invited to practice directly such as how to tap pine resin, agathis sap, plant greetings, explore Cipereu Karst Cave, visit the voluntary carbon trading sites, and discussion about agroforestry which was managed by the surrounding community.

During the field trip, KNU students were accompanied by two assistants from students of the Faculty of Forestry of IPB and staff of GWUF.

From all the activities they had participated in, it turned out to have made a positive impression about Mount Walat and it was revealed by a student of KNU, Su Jong.

“I am very happy to be able to come here, this place is very beautiful with many trees and good air. Here is very good. My friends really like it too and thank you for IPB for inviting us for a field trip in here” said Su Jong from KNU Major of Forestry student in 8th semester who was met at the location of the activity.


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