
Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Comparative study on method and scheme of carbon trading in Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF) has been conducted on 19 September 2012.

Since the year 2009, Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF) has conducted program of ”Planting trees for increasing carbon sequestration” in the territory of GWUF. This program involved participation of many parties in a cooperation scheme “Voluntary Carbon Trading”. At least, there are 4 international companies implementing this scheme in GWUF, namely Conoco Phillips Indonesia (with five year period, 2009-2014), TOSO Industry (for 30 years period 2009-2038, TOSO Company Limited (Japan, for 30 years period , 2010-2014), and NYK Group (Japan, year 2009 and 2012-2013).

The development of this voluntary carbon trading scheme, is an innovation by GWUF due to the still large amount of constraint in implementing carbon trade with mandatory scheme. The basic reasoning for this innovation is very simple, namely enhancing tree planting for improving environmental quality, and this will automatically increase the capacity of the forest to sequester carbon.

On 19 September 2012, Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF) received visits by staffs from Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and from Center for Forestry Research and Development (Indonesian Forestry Ministry, Gunung Batu, Bogor ) which is often referred to as Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA).

“This session is part of a series of activity of technology transfer for method of carbon calculation in the scheme of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), between  FRIM  and FORDA.  However, in this occasion, we involve Faculty of Forestry, IPB, for sharing the voluntary carbon market“, said Trisno Dwi Rahardjo, MT, leader of the visitors group from FORDA, Bogor.

“The series of activity was initiated with training on carbon measurement in FORDA, Gunung Batu, Bogor for 2 days, and was continued with discussion in Faculty of Forestry, IPB.  Today, the comparative study was conducted in Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF)”, explained Trisno. MT.

Comparative study in GWUF was started with discussion and presentation by Dr. Tatang Tiryana (Director of Research and Development of GWUF)  concerning the scheme of Carbon trading by GWUF and foreign companies through their program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) , and  concerning GWUF management which serves as model for successful small scale forest management.  The participants were very enthusiastic in learning the scheme of carbon trading and management in GWUF, because GWUF is a rare example for the success of independent and sustainable forest development, without cutting the trees (zero cutting).

After discussion, the session was continued with inspecting the location of tree planting by the companies, where the locations were used as part of the carbon trading. Between the activities, there were observations on activities of GWUF forest management, such as the tapping of pine resin and agathis by using technology innovation resulting from student researches guided by Dr. Gunawan Santosa (Director of Forest Resources Utilization of GWUF). The technology innovation for resin tapping results in greater production of the resin with minimum damage on the tree.

In the last session, the participants from FRIM presented remembrance in the form of books of research results from FRIM and placard, which were all received by Dr. Nandi Kosmaryandi (Director of Business and Public Relations of GWUF).

“We came here to FORDA to learn about REDD plasm project, learn on how you conduct REDD. We came to Gunung Walat Educational Forest (GWEF) to learn about voluntary carbon trading. Frankly speaking, I’m really impressed with this voluntary carbon trading in Gunung Walat because I have never seen such project”, said Ismariah Ahmad, PhD , Senior Research Officer of FRIM.

“What is happening in Gunung Walat is that before carbon trading was conducted, the planted forest in GWEF comprised mostly of pine and agathis species and we could learn something about non timber forest product, the resin, from this two species. And all of these are very cleverly done in this project and generate some income to make GWEF self sustaining “, explained  Ismariah Ahmad, PhD.

“My impression here in Gunung Walat is that, the carbon trading looks very successful and very inovative. I think FRIM can learn something from this, considering that FRIM is also involved very actively in tree planting. I think carbon trading is one of the best and useful thing for our responsibility  to save forest, to conserve forest, and to be involved in forest tree planting, to create forest for the next generation. I’m very thankful, I think I am very happy to come to this place with my team”, added Ismariah Ahmad, PhD.

“I observed a very dramatic development in GWUF.  The transformation is very extraordinary, and could not be imagined before, and this impression was also felt by our guests from FRIM”, added Trisno, MT.


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