Field Practices / Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) of Bogor Geoinformatics Vocational School

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Field Practices / Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) of Bogor Geoinformatics Vocational School took place on 15-20 December 2013 in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

This practice was attended by 75 11th grade students and 4 accompanying teachers who were assisted by 5 students from Pakuan University Bogor.

“Our arrival here is that we want to utilize the land here because we think we have fulfilled the terms and criteria of the children before they enter the industry” said Head of Survey and Mapping Study Program of Geoinformatics Vocational School, Mr. Lutfi Kautsar ST, when met at Gunung Walat.

According to him, in the upcoming January 2014, students who had practised in this field would face the PKL activities outside Java according to their divisions.

“Well, here we are divided into several divisions, some species do topographic measurements using theodolite, meter, compass, and manual tools. There are also those who use GPS navigation, there are those who use geodetic GPS and river tide observations, and the other one use water pass for height difference” he explained.

He hoped that after attending Prakerin at Gunung Walat, the students were already got used to managing their activities well, especially when they were conducting their PKL.

“Here, it is accustomed to getting up early due to the departure schedule, what work is accomplished should be input into data every night. So they learn to be independent and responsible too. They have to really hold that commitment on what they are doing here” he concluded.


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