Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten 2015

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten had been held from 25 April to 20 May 2015 in Gunung Walat University Forest.

The Prakerin was attended by dozens of 10th-grade students of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten. During their stay in Gunung Walat University Forest, students conducted field practices including silviculture, dendrology, forestry counselling, forest inventory, and timber measurement science. This was in line with the vision of the SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten that was to prepare medium-sized forestry technical personnel, who are noble, professional, having a strong personality, independent, and ready to work on a national and international industry.

“One of the programs we make to reach our vision is industrial field practice. This practice must be possessed while studying at SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten. For the 10th grade student, the practice is held for one month because we have used the 2013 Curriculum that contains basic vocational course” said Principal of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten, Ir Dimyati, M.Pd when met at the location of the activity.

According to her, the reason for doing industrial practice at Gunung Walat was that the results obtained by the previous years’ students during the internship were quite satisfying and fulfilling the expectation of school.

“The excellence of this place is that it is integrated to the campus, good facilities and all are available. The material taught is also related to our program, as we can see that the lecturer is also quite professional and interacting very well with our students” he said.


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