Training on Entrepreneurship Implementation in Production Forest Management Units (KPHPs) of Director General of Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) of Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Training on Entrepreneurship Implementation in Production Forest Management Units (KPHPs) of Director General of Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) of Ministry of Environment and Forestry took place from 2-3 May 2018 in the Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

This activity was attended by 19 provinces consisting of 8 KKPHs (Head of Forest Management Units), 16 section heads, and other technical staff who handled KPHPs.

During the activity at Gunung Walat, the participants were presented with materials related to optimizing the utilization of forest resources, guided directly by Director of GWUF, Dr. Nandi Kosmaryandi, M.Sc.F., and continued by marketing development materials provided by Mr. Handian Purwawangsa, S.Hut, M.Sc. The training ended with a field visit at Gunung Walat and surrounding villages on the second or the last day.

According to the Head of Institutional Development Sub-Directorate of the KPHP Directorate, Mr. Ir. Dody Dwinardy, MM., this entrepreneurship training which had been held for the 5th year aimed to develop the spirit of entrepreneurship among KKPHs in their respective regions.

“This annual routine is held because the future of forestry is in KPHs. For that, do not depend on the national or regional budget” he said when met at the location of the event.

He gave an example of the results obtained from the KPH Yogyakarta which had minimized dependence on the regional budget. It was similar to the independence owned by Gunung Walat University Forest, whose funding sources did not use the regional, but could develop the entrepreneurship. It could be used as a suitable place for training as a pilot project.

“As it is an educational forest, it has a development of entrepreneurship. We can also see non-timber forest products and environmental services here” he said. He hoped that after attending the training, the participants could be more creative in determining ideas, especially entrepreneurship without depending on the government budget

“So we can afford it by ourselves” he said.


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