Training of entrepreneurship by Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Affairs (IPB)

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Training of entrepreneurship by Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Affairs  (CDAA) of  IPB has been conducted on  9-10 April 2011 in Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF).

This training constitutes a part of Student Entrepreneurship Program (2011) which is conducted by IPB from February to December 2011.

The participants are college students which had been previously selected on the basis of among other things their interest for conducting business and the fact that the students have ever conducted business or have possessed business.  This program is participated in by 125 students of IPB,  and the students  also become the candidate for acceptor of working capital as large as  up to 40 million rupiahs for group and up to 8 million rupiahs for individuals.

In this training activities in GWUF there were present also several mentors, instructors, Director of CDAA of IPB  (Dr.Ir. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F),  Chief of Sub-Directorate of Alumni Relations of IPB (Ir. Nandi Kosmaryandi, MSc.F), motivator (Dr. Heri Margono, SE, MM  who is also IPB alumni and businessman) and several staffs of Directorate of CDAA of IPB.

Iin Solihin, MSi, the organizer of this program explained that the objectives of this program are preparing the college students to be more ready to become entrepreneur, giving motivation to the students to become good entrepreneur, correcting their intention for becoming entrepreneur,  providing the students with some skill and arts for becoming entrepreneur, and developing networking between the students and the mentors or instructors.

Heri Margono who acted as motivator said: “This country still needs college students which will become entrepreneurs in the future.  The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is only 0.18 %.  We should process the students to become entrepreneurs, and this is very good to be started in  IPB”.

Director of CDAA (IPB), Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat added that Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF) is very suitable as a site for conducting this kind of training, due to convenient facilities available in GWUF, and due to existence of several business and entrepreneurship activities in GWUF itself, which give significant inspiration to the participants for  doing business.


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