
Gunung Walat,  Sukabumi – Inspection of the development of Tanabe Friendship Forest, by Tanabe Foundation, has been conducted on 20 September 2012 in GWUF.

This event was a repetition of history, 8 years ago, where in the year 2004, Tanabe Foundation, Japan, initiated the program of Tanabe Friendship Forest, in Gunung Walat University Forest  (GWUF). At that time, Tanabe planted planting stocks of agathis, manglid, sengon (moluccan sau) and mahogany in area  as large as 10 ha.

Program of Tanabe Friendship Forest is a cooperation between Tanabe Foundation and Faculty of Forestry IPB. Location which was made as planting area  consist of two sites, namely around IPB campus of Darmaga (Bogor) and the territory of Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF, Sukabumi) .

This activity was initiated with visit to the planting location in GWUF (Sukabumi),  by walking. The group from Tanabe foundation was led by Masataka Tanabe who is also the current Chairman of Tanabe foundation. This inspection was also accompanied by team from Faculty of Forestry (IPB) who play an important role in this program, namely Prof. Wasrin Syafii and Dr. Wayan Darmawan.  On the other hand, personnel from GWUF who accompanied this inspection were Dr. Tatang Tiryana (Director of Research and Development of GWUF) and Dr. Nandi Kosmaryandi (Director of Business and Public Relations of GWUF).

“We inspect trees which were planted 8 years ago by President of  Tanabe, and we will continue our activities to Faculty of Forestry (IPB). There will be submission of scholarship to students of the Faculty of Forestry, and research assistance for the teaching staffs. We will also observe   meranti (dipterocarps) trees which were planted in IPB, 8 years ago. Among the Tanabe group were Profesor  from Shimane University,  member of parliaments of Shimane province, and representatives from other Japanese companies “, said Prof. Wasrin Syafii.

During inspection, it was found that most trees which were planted 8 years ago, grow well.   In the end of the inspection, there was symbolic planting of trees in the location of Tanabe Friendship Forest.  Afterwards,  there was discussion in basecamp of GWUF and presentation by Dr. Tatang Tiryana concerning the history of cooperation between Tanabe-IPB-GWUF, and explanation on the success of GWUF in managing the forest.   At this occasion, GWUF gave certificate to Tanabe Foundation  as expression of gratitude and appreciation,  while also  emphasizing that Tanabe Friendship Forest has become part of the cooperation program to plant trees to increase carbon sequestration in GWUF.

“The tanabe foundation appreciates the success of the IPB personnel in handling the 10 ha planting of trees by Tanabe in Gunung Walat forest area”, said Masataka Tanabe.


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