Forester Service by SMK Kehutanan Negeri Pekanbaru and SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Forester Service by SMK Kehutanan Negeri Pekanbaru and SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten students took place on March 16, 2018 in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

One of the keys to success in maintaining forest sustainability is to synergize humans and nature. This was in line with what 68 students of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Pekanbaru and 99 students of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten Majalengka Jawa Barat held in the field work practices in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi in the form of concern for the village environmental conditions around GWUF.

As a part of the Forest Service Day which was commemorated every March 16, the student from both forestry vocational school took actions to clean the streets and village halls around GWUF. SMK Kehutanan Negeri Pekanbaru conducted a clean-up action at the main street and around Batu Nunggal Village Hall, Kecamatan Cibadak, Kabupaten Sukabumi SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten Majalengka Jawa Barat did on the street and around Hegarmanah Village Hall, Kecamatan Cicantayan, Kabupaten Sukabumi.

The Head of Batununggal Village, Mr. Dudung Iskandar, thanked and appreciated the existence of this kind of activity which was originally an initiative of forestry vocational high school students and supported by GWUF.

“We hope this good activity will continue in the future and we advised the students that if there was anything needed during the practice in GWUF and in connection with Batununggal Village we were ready to help. Please don’t hesitate because GWUF is our neighbour and also our partner” said Mr. Dudung Iskandar.

The similar thing was also expressed by Head Hegarmanah Village, Mr. Junaedi, when he was met at the Village Hall.

“We thank SMK Kehutanan Kadipaten for the visit. Hopefully, you can come back to the community and help by holding the education and training needed for the community” said Mr. Junaedi.

The Forester Community Service 2018 began with questions and answers about village issues and potential that could be developed and ended with community service in the village of destination.

“The village of Hegarmanah thanks the sharing and question and answer session. Perhaps, there is a knowledge that can be earned there so that students get additional insight. Hopefully, they also get blessings and knowledge” said he who had just became Hegarmanah Secretary for 8 months.

According to him, this kind of activity was the first time in collaboration with schools, especially with forestry vocational schools. It was expected that with this activity, we could make the surrounding community aware of the importance of community service in the neighbourhood.

“We have actually programmed and instructed the community for community service, but the response is still not good. Hopefully, with the action of community service from students like this, it triggered the community to be more aware of their own environment” he concluded.


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Photo gallery SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten click here

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