Forest management coordination and consultations by the Makassar Forestry Education and Training Center

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Forest management coordination and consultations by the Makassar Forestry Education and Training Center took place on 19-20 October 2012 in the Gunung Walat University Forest.

This consultation was carried out in the Gunung Walat Univesity Forest (GWUF) because GWUF was known for its success in managing forests sustainably so that it became a model for small-scale forest management. This is what prompted the Makassar Forestry Training Center to send 5 of its staff to study forest management in GWUF.

Consultation began with presentations and discussions on GWUF by the GWUF Executive Director, Ir. Budi Prihanto, MS who was accompanied by Dr. Gunawan Santosa, Dr. Cahyo Wibowo, and Dr. Tatang Tiryana. The location of this discussion was carried out at the Headquarters of GWUF in the Building of the Faculty of Forestry, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

The discussion focused on forestry problems that occurred in Makassar relating to the Forestry Training Center of Makassar. The results of this discussion gave ideas and innovations to try to reduce the problems that occur there, especially in relation to communities around the forest.

The success of forest management in GWUF has given inspiration in managing forests in other regions, and this successfulness is being to be tried in Makassar by adding suitable methods with the culture and conditions in the field.

After the discussion at the IPB Campus, it is followed by a review of the location of the GWUF forest in Sukabumi, West Java and followed by a second session discussion.

During the second session of discussion at GWUF Sukabumi, the team was accompanied by the Director of Forest Resource Utilization, Dr. Gunawan Santosa; Manager GWUF, Dizy Rizal; Assistant Manager, Adly Rahardian and; several GWUF staff.

“We are interested in a management system that is not subsidized by the government, GWUF is able to support the idea by itself. Forest security that is also supported by the community proves that the community has a high sense of dependence on the GWUF forest because the people around here are empowered with the tapping of sap” said Muhammad Rudianto, S.Hut, Head of Forest Facility Training Section, Makassar Forestry Education and Training Center, which led the group.


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