Field Work Practice (PKL) 2018 of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Field Work Practice (PKL) 2018 of SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten began from March 1 – 30, 2018 in Gunung Walat University Forest, Sukabumi.

GWUF as one of the educational facilities in forestry science was useful for students who want to know directly the process of learning activities

The implementation also came from SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten returned to the field practice for 30 days March 1-30, 2018 in GWUF. For the next thirty days, various materials would be presented by lecturers from the Faculty of Forestry, IPB, such as silica (identification of soil types), silviculture (seed/seedling production, planting, and assessment of forest plants), dendrology (making herbarium), pests and diseases, forest fires, community forestry, inventory, wood measurement science, log testing, and mapping measurements.

The first field practice was held at GWUF in 2012 and now was the seventh time in 2018. Surely was is one of the proofs of good cooperation between GWUF and SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten.

“The reason is complete material, more insight is expected than theory” said Head of Administration Sub-division, Mr. Suherdi S. Hut, M.Si, when met at the location.

According to him, this was a dual system application, between classroom activities and practical activities the field which was adjusted to the system in the school.

“Basically we have prepared forest development materials and known the type of tree and its fulfilment, nursery, and maintenance” he said.

In the implementation of field practice, they were not only accompanied by a team from GWUF, but also by representatives from the school to maintain the disciplinary.

“To mobilize students, there is a companion from the school so that the rules in the school are still applied in GWUF”.

Previously, the process of this ongoing activity was filled with an opening in the Matoa Hall followed by 100 11th grade students consisting of 80 male students and 20 female students. The event was directly led by GWUF Executive Director, Dr. Nandi Kosmaryandi, M.Sc.F, and a representative from SMK Kehutanan Negeri Kadipaten Administration Sub-Division Head, Mr. Suherdi, S.Hut, M.Si.


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