Comparative study of forest management by the staff of the Riau Forestry Training Center

Gunung Walat, Sukabumi – Comparative study of forest management by the staff of the Riau Forestry Training Center was held on 15-16 June 2011 in Gunung Walat University Forest.

The staff members that were appointed to conduct comparative studies were Ericson Silalahi, S.Hut and Djarot Suseno who were the staff of the Riau Forestry Training Center at Bukit Suligi Section of Forestry Education and Training located in Rokanhulu, Riau. During the visit to Gunung Walat University Forest (GWUF), the visit began with a discussion with GWUF Executive Director, Ir. Budi Prihanto, MS and Director of Forest Resource Utilization Dr. Gunawan Santosa.

The purpose of the visit to GWUF was to study the management and development of forestry education and training. At present, Bukit Suligi Section of Forestry Education and Training was not well managed and efforts were being made to find the right formula to restore the forest. One of the ways was to conduct a comparative study to GWUF.

Its development and management were considered as a successful example because they were able to convert the empty land into a dense forest so it could provide many benefits.

“The forest is good and future development is also good. There are many programs and good facilities. Forests are maintained, and the tourism development has promising prospects” Ericson said.

“The knowledge gained through this comparative study at GWUF will be applied in the Bukit Suligi Section of Forestry Education and Training so Bukit Suligi forest can recover” he added.

Activities held during the training included discussions with the director and the GWUF management, direct observation in the field about management of non-timber forest products which do not have to cut down trees to exploit the potential of the forest. In this case, the forest products in the form of latex are agathis and pine sap which provide economic benefits for the community so that the community participates in preserving the forest indirectly.

“This kind of methods that might later be applied in the Bukit Suligi Section of Forestry Education and Training so that there will be benefits between the surrounding community and the Bukit Suligi Section of Forestry Education and Training which indirectly also help protect the forest” added Ericson.


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